Get Connected For a Purpose

Back-to-school time is kind of like my New Year’s Day. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always thought in the terms of a school year. So, with a new year comes renewed purpose.

For the past year, I’ve been focusing on the idea that the church is the body of Christ. And just like any body, we have a purpose. In order to do that, we need to be connected. We all have gifts, skills, talents, experiences, and knowledge that prepare us as individuals to do various tasks, but when we get connected, we need to figure out how all that goes together so this body can live according to its purpose.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:18 that “God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.” Not only are we all different parts of one body, but God has put us where we ought to be. That can get confusing, but again, if we think of this as a new school year, the uncertainty is just a part of growth.

The first day of school brings together a bunch of kids who don’t know what’s going on until the teachers direct them to specific desks or lockers. Kids have a general understanding of what school is, but they have to grow with the specifics. We’re the same way. We know we’re supposed to be together and heading in one direction. We don’t know specifically what we’re going to do from day to day, but we trust that there will be someone there to guide us. That’s why we have the Bible, the Holy Spirit, teachers, and other leaders, to guide us as we grow.

And next year, even though we might be back in the same uncertain position, we are a step ahead of those who have come behind us, and we can lead them to where we are. Our purpose as a church is to make disciples who make more disciples, people who love God, love people, and serve like Jesus. And the process begins with getting connected, first to God and then to others, so we can grow and serve together.