Bridging the Gap Among People

On Sunday, March 11, the team that went to Louisiana in February gave their report. It was an eye-opening experience, seeing the devastation that remains in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region a year and a half after hurricane Katrina. It was a heart-breaking experience, hearing stories about lives that were lost and lives that have not yet recovered. But it was an encouraging experience, hearing the excitement and love of the team members sharing their stories. As I listened, it became clear that we are experiencing what God intends for the church.

That morning the sermon was about the title “Christ,” the Greek word for “Messiah” meaning “the anointed one.” Jesus is the anointed one, set apart by God for a specific purpose, to bridge the gap between sinful people and our perfect, holy God by offering his body as a sacrifice. We who wear that name, Christians, also have a purpose: to bridge the gap among people. And as the body of Christ, we must sacrifice in order to do that.

And that ?s what this body of believers has done to bridge the gap for the people of Slidell, Louisiana. People sacrificed their time, taking vacation days and giving up their daily routines. People sacrificed money, giving donations and paying for gas and meals on the trip. People sacrificed their pride, cleaning up trash and debris, working outside their knowledge and skills. People sacrificed their comfort, driving for 16 or more hours, sleeping on the floor. That ?s what we ?re supposed to do.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10: “We are God ?s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.” He continued in verses 12 and 13: “Remember ? you were separate from Christ ?. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.” God has bridged the gap to us through Jesus so that we will also bridge the gaps among people through what we do as the body of Christ, beyond Bible lessons and sermons, with deeds of love and compassion. Let ?s keep this body working!