10 Reasons I Like to Preach from a Manuscript

Here are the top reasons why I like to preach from a manuscript:

  1. Words are fun to play with, but you should do it before you start speaking.
  2. It’s easier (and more likely) to get to where you are going if you map it out beforehand.
  3. It’s nice to have an anchor point to come back to when you feel led in a new direction as you speak.
  4. When written well, the spoken word has a meter, a rhythm, a cadence, a beat that piques interest and holds the listeners’ attention.
  5. Without it, I tend to ramble….
  6. A well-planned manuscript fits better in a well-planned worship service.
  7. A thoughtfully constructed manuscript ensures that the “main thing” remains the “main thing.”
  8. It’s impossible to edit your words after you say them.
  9. Just like in publishing, it’s easier to cut than to pad.
  10. It guarantees having distinct beginning and ending points in preparation and presentation.